Victoria Fann

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20 Reasons to Leave Your Comfort Zone

Yes, I know 2020 was a difficult year that had very little, if any, comfort in it, and yet, even with all of the upheaval and uncertainty, it’s still easy to fall into a rut. It’s still possible to get stuck. It’s still the human default to go with what’s safe and familiar. With the shorter, colder days, most of us prefer to hunker down and get comfortable with our habits and routines...even those that aren't good for us.

But we can do SO MUCH more than that! In fact, there are many  heart-led reasons to choose to make a shift in your life. To help you raise the bar a bit and find some motivation to stretch and stir up those stale energies, I've come up with this list of 20 reasons to leave that cozy, comfortable routine or rut and take a big jump into the NEW!

  1. New opportunities

  2. It's invigorating

  3. Joy lives there

  4. Unexpected surprises happen in unexpected places

  5. Good for the soul

  6. Inspiration

  7. It's new and fresh

  8. Vulnerable means open

  9. Shakes up old stale patterns

  10. Stimulates curiosity

  11. The possibility of new friends

  12. New perspectives

  13. Cultivates faith

  14. Increases receptivity to grace

  15. Breaks down resistance

  16. Softens the heart

  17. Life is a river not a lake

  18. Success requires uncertainty

  19. The excitement of spontaneity

  20. More heart-led and intuitive

I hope these reasons motivate you to move and bring more of LIFE'S BIGNESS into your life!