Victoria Fann

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More on Grace

Photo by Jian Xhin

Grace comes in when we let go of the reigns in recognition that we’ve run out of ideas about how to resolve an issue in our lives.

Grace arrives after our surrender. It shows up in the form of miracles, blessings and synchronicities. It is Divine Intervention. 

Grace shows us that we are not alone, that our calls for help are heard. 

Grace speaks to us with unexpected solutions to seemingly impossible situations.

Grace lifts us out of fear and hopelessness, replacing it with love and a new perception in which all is well.

Grace is beyond time, language and duality. It becomes the answer to problems that were created in time.

Grace blesses us when we cannot fathom how we move forward.

Grace replaces fear with love; it opens the door of our hearts.

Grace is a place of awe and wonder.

I’m open to grace coming into my life because I’m exhausted from trying to figure things out. It’s much easier to do what’s in front of me to do and then give the rest to Creator to hold and offer solutions. My small self cannot see beyond my current terrain, therefore, I must trust my Higher Self to be my eyes and ears to guide me forward.

Grace comes in to light the way and affirm that I’m on the right track.

Fear is not my protector.

Judgment is not my friend.

Scarcity is not destined.

All are choices. All only exist because I choose to engage with them. 

Love can also be chosen. It can also be claimed and expressed. There is nothing in the way of love. It has the power to heal all wounds, solve all seeming problems and bestow joy into any heart. Its medicine is only available to those who let go of fear. Both cannot co-exist in the same field.

Fear has no power except that which we give it. It is an idea that has been given far too much attention and value. It has no value or meaning. It offers nothing. It only exists in the world of duality and separation. Once one remembers the unity within and behind all things, fear ceases to exist. A shift in perception is all it takes to release fear’s hold on our minds.

The body believes what the mind tells it. In fact, it is in service to our thoughts. It appears to respond and act on its own, but it doesn’t have that power. Our thoughts and beliefs instill it with an energetic imprint that directs its responses. We can override those thoughts and beliefs at any time. Unfortunately, we identify with them so much, we tend to continually repeat them, carrying them forward wherever we go. We would experience so much more freedom from limitation if we were willing to put down the old thoughts and beliefs and open ourselves up to the new and unknown.

Humans are stuck in a loop of repeating patterns. It often takes a radical shift or shock to interrupt those patterns and open the door to new ways of seeing and being. Most of us were taught that fear keeps us safe, that following others’ rules keep us safe, that living small, limited lives keep us safe. These are lies that have allowed others to control us. Outside of that loop, we have extraordinary capabilities beyond our wildest imaginations. But we’ve been cut off from that for so long, we don’t even believe that’s possible. It seems like far-fetched or wishful thinking.

We’re accustomed to living in very small boxes, expressing a shrunken down version of ourselves, supported and defined by the collective scripts we live with every day.

Imagine a new script, one unhindered by the past or the history we’ve adopted as our own.

Imagine stepping into life trusting that anything is possible.

Imagine being willing to be guided by the higher part of us that can show us the truth about who we are.

All I’ve ever cared about since I incarnated is bringing this awareness of our eternal, unlimited selves to others. I’ve not only known there was greater freedom possible for me, but for all of us. Learning how life works and searching for the key that unlocks the prison doors of duality has been my obsession. Without freedom and full authentic expression, nothing else matters.

This world has an enchantment on it. People move through their lives as if they’re under a spell that keeps them in a deep state of hypnosis, blocking all awareness of their Divine Nature. They sense this in the background of their lives. They feel as if something is off, but they cannot put their fingers on it. It’s like trying to recall a vague dream hours after waking up. The details are a strain to remember.

There’s a heavy fog over consciousness blocking humans from knowing about their limitless capabilities. The grid of fear holds them down and holds them back from expressing themselves fully. It is an energetic straight jacket that binds them, along with an energetic blindfold, ear plugs and mouth gag. Even a glimpse of this can make people feel crazy or drive them to want to escape from this place.

Thankfully, the key to freedom is hidden within us—the last place most people would ever look. Few even believe it’s there. The world is designed to keep us so occupied with outer distractions, we don’t take the time to explore the inner realms. It takes having people spread throughout the world to remind us to spend time going within.  We’ve always had access to this key, but are so heavily intoxicated by the hypnotic chaos of the world, most don’t take the time or make the effort to search. An encounter with death, meditation and plant medicine have allowed many to wake up and speak about these unseen realms to others. The awareness is spreading and it is inevitable that humanity will eventually wake up and remember its Divinity.