Victoria Fann

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30 Ways to Warm Your Soul

Photo by Andrew Ridley

As we're settling into the colder, darker days of late fall and winter here in the U.S., I’m happy to share some ways to cheer and warm up your soul. Some cost money and others don't. Regardless, this list should help on even the gloomiest of days. 

  1. Drink hot chocolate.

  2. Make homemade soup.

  3. Read your favorite book in front of a fire.

  4. Light candles and incense.

  5. Start a creative indoor project or two or three.

  6. Volunteer.

  7. Hand write letters to family and friends.

  8. Buy art postcards and mail them to people in prisons and hospitals.

  9. Take your favorite neighbor to lunch.

  10. Create a gratitude jar.

  11. Learn a new language.

  12. Learn a new vocabulary word each day.

  13. Join a Meetup group.

  14. Start saving for a vacation for a year from now.

  15. Organize a clothing swap.

  16. Start writing that novel you've always wanted to write.

  17. Go on a creative date with yourself to your favorite museum or gallery.

  18. Join a health club with a sauna.

  19. Start a neighborhood lending library.

  20. Make a collage out of old photos.

  21. Finger paint or color.

  22. Bake bread

  23. Adopt a pet.

  24. Call someone who hasn't heard from you in a long time.

  25. Join a choir.

  26. Learn origami.

  27. Learn calligraphy.

  28. Take dance lessons.

  29. Sign up for a class in tai chi or qigong.

  30. Organize a small dinner party.

Have fun! Stay safe and warm!