Victoria Fann

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An Instrument of Grace

Photo by NordWood Themes

The idea of being an instrument of Grace came to me a couple of years ago. It means being so generous in spirit that one’s mere presence inspires another and opens up the space for miracles. It means being an angel and a blessing-bearer for others. It means being a vessel for the light of love, forgiveness and Divine Presence to flow through.

What greater purpose can there be than this? What greater destiny and calling?

This is where the greatest happiness lies. It may seem counterintuitive to be a blessing holder or an instrument of Grace because it is about lifting up another. However, in being such an instrument, we, too, receive. In fact,  in the presence of Grace, the line between giving and receiving disappears altogether. 

I love that feeling when the heart swells with joy. It is so full of love that it is on the verge of bursting. This is the home of happiness. Knocking on this door of Grace, brings it forth in copious abundance. It showers blessings on everyone in its vicinity. In that moment of miracles, we remember we are Divine, we are connected with everything that is and we are most at home when we feel unconditional love. 

Happiness and joy are our most authentic and natural states of being. They stay hidden or buried because of all the busy-ness and distractions that pulls us hither and thither into the world of appearances. Eventually, it becomes easy to lose sight of what is true and real and natural.

We knew these things as children, but they were programmed out of us and devalued through having to spend our years of wonder and joy in a lifeless classroom cut off from ourselves and each other. Competition, achievement, intellectual knowledge took precedent over intuition, curiosity, exploration, creativity and community. We were trained to suppress or deny these natural longings. Is it any wonder that so many adults are depressed and lonely and cut off from these natural states of joy and happiness?

There is no greater task than to help others remember who they are. The quickest way to do that is to forgive each one of them for their forgetfulness and see them as they are: beings of love.

The fog is truly lifting for me and the dots are being connected. Pieces of the puzzle that were scattered before are now coming together into a clear vision of the way the world works, not only how it got to appear to be such a mess, but also how to restore Divine Order and harmony. It is the ultimate responsibility to remember the Truth, to align with it and to help others remember. Everything else is destructive and meaningless.

What matters is to awaken to our real selves, our unity and the love that sustains creation. Watching shadows on the wall can only take us so far. We must come out of the cave into the sunlight, moving away from illusions. We must reject the values that reinforce our separation and division and embrace those values that connect us. 

So many practices can get us there: generosity, kindness, forgiveness, surrender, trust, inclusion, affirmations, gratitude, focusing on innocence, humility, etc. The quickest of those is forgiveness, not in the traditional sense of forgiving an error or mistake, but in the highest sense of seeing another as error-free and without sin. Miracles come from this place because there is nothing to stop them. All blessings arise from feelings of joy, happiness and love. This cannot be helped because it is the most natural thing in the world. 

Sacrifice and suffering and struggling exist because people believe that these experiences are associated with giving, and that giving means giving up something, doing without or loss. This is not at all the case. Giving without conditions or stinginess opens the flow of blessings which means that the giver will receive as he/she has given. What he/she has withheld will be withheld from him/her. It makes perfect sense, but we live in an insane world in which we’ve been taught that we must compromise and sacrifice in order to give to another, or at the very least we must ask for compensation or something in return. When we give expecting to receive, this is a negotiation with life, a transaction that clearly indicates a lack of trust in the flow and innate generosity of life.

Reversing this belief can be accelerated with the demonstration of miracles and through direct experiences of life’s generosity. This requires a suspension of all previously-held concepts and beliefs, a relaxing of the wall of doubt and a surrender into the expansive space of trust. Using miracles as a trigger or catalyst to open the heart may lead to greater faith or it may be written off as a fluke or accident or one-time occurrence. However, if the miracle is large enough, it will not be forgotten. Ideally, it will become a seed that blooms in the heart of those that witness it.

Being an instrument of Grace and a holder of miracles means one can touch people’s lives in a big way. It is a huge responsibility in that it can never be abused or used  to build up the ego. The fall from this state of Grace is surely horrific and tremendously humiliating. Staying aware of that possibility, can keep one on track and in the Divine Flow.