Victoria Fann

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Divine Providence

Photo by David Clode

What is Divine Providence?

How can we live more in alignment with it?

By following the Will of God, by listening to the Inner Voice and seeing through the eyes of Love.

Divine Providence means that we will be taken care of—not by the beliefs and laws of this world, not through struggling and striving, not through manipulating the outer circumstances and relationships—but through trusting in life to provide what is needed every moment. 

Providence has the world provide in it. There is only One Provider; there is no other.

We will be provided for.

Life has our backs.

We don’t have to worry ourselves about it.

This is beautiful, but does it mean we don’t have to do anything at all?

No, it means that we must ONLY DO what we are guided to do from within. Once we align with the Highest Good, with the Divine, and with Life, then all actions can flow from there. Rather than running around full of stress and panic, trying to put out the circumstantial fires, we can relax and simply do the next thing I’m guided to do, and let the rest fall away. 

Inner Guidance is a calm, quiet, peaceful and nurturing Voice. There is no fear in this Voice. Anything other than this is the ego mind, the master of fear and stress. It is the part of us that feels like the critical, blaming and shaming parent that tells us we’re not doing enough and that we’re not enough. With the ego mind, there is no way to “keep up” or move fast enough. This is because it is always looking for evidence that we’re in some kind of danger. Keeping us on edge is a technique to stop us from hearing the voice within, much to our own peril.

We’re so busy with our endless thoughts and preoccupation with the past, that Divine Providence cannot get our attention for long enough for us to prepare ourselves to receive its bounty. Instead, we chase after our thought projections, convinced that we are actually doing something, when instead we’re spinning in our own minds.

A woman I know recently said, we must first pause, so that there is enough silence. Then we can hear. Filling up space with thoughts blocks the intuitive flow or at least clutters it up with a bunch of noise. Pausing, standing in silence, waiting for inner directions doesn’t take a lot of time. A moment as long as a few in breaths and out breaths is all it takes.

What’s next Creator? What would you have me do or say? Where would you have me go?

Then listen for the Answer. 

Why not try an approach that offers us peace?

We have nothing to lose but our fear.