Victoria Fann

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From the Small Self to Something Greater

Photo by Arno Smit

Self-publishing, self promotion and self-employment are sometimes too much about about the self—the small self to be precise. This is one of the challenges that come with naming a business after your personal name and creating a brand around yourself (see, there's that word again).

I've never been big on shining the spotlight on myself in this way. I don't like having my picture taken, for example. However, I've kind of defaulted into it and now, as I have many times in the past, I'm questioning the validity, value and sustainability of this business model. 

Several years ago, when I was teaching a business development class to budding entrepreneurs, I outed myself and said that my service model business was, in fact, not really a business at all, but rather a glorified form of self-employment, because if I take time off, I don't get paid. I cautioned them that without either employees or passive income from products, my service model (getting paid by the hour or by the project) was not a wise or sustainable way to do business. 

Recently, and even more because of the lockdown, I’ve shifted a bit from my old service model by adding a few products to offerings. But it’s not enough. Beyond a more solid business model, I want to collaborate with a team of talented people committed to the same vision—a tribe of kindred souls that share my values and desire to make a worthy contribute to the well-being of others. Yes, it’s major leap, but it's something I absolutely must do.

In addition, I’m ready to be part of a business that doesn't have my name on it—something bigger than just me and my talents and skills, something that utilizes the talents and skills together of a core group of people who all want the same thing: the freedom to do what we love!

So, with that said, in the coming months, I’ll be committing to and prioritizing this vision further and then putting the call out to people to see who might like to join me. Just the thought of not having to carry the weight of a business all on my shoulders gives me a feeling of relief and it inspires me to expand out of the small self world I've been operating in and expand out to the bigger picture of my Higher Self and the Highest Good.

I see this vision of collaborative business building as a beautiful stepping stone that will take me to this larger, more tribal, community-based conscious business model. I have SO many creative projects in the wings that want to be birthed, and I would love to bring them forth into a new context that is nurtured and held together by the dreams of several creative, visionary souls. 

Stay tuned…