Victoria Fann

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Have Your Found Your Soul Work Yet?

Photo by Anshu A

The idea of having a life purpose, a reason for being here, is now evolving into what many are calling soul work. This elevates the meaning significantly in that it refers to a higher viewpoint, one that is beyond the world of our five sense. It is the perspective that says that we each came here with a unique set of gifts to express and share in service to life on this sacred planet.

In my experience, soul work is the alignment with life that feels most like home, like us. It’s the feeling of being in flow, in the right place at the right time, comfortable in our own skin.

An even higher viewpoint of soul work is the idea that ultimately we are all here to wake up to the truth of who we are—remembering that and celebrating it. We’re waking up from the dream of who we’re not—the dream of separation and the dream of being someone who only exists in a body.

Ever since I was a child, I always felt as though I was looking for something, like I'd lost or forgotten something really important and that I could not stop until I found it. At that time, my life purpose seemed to be about finding what I had lost. For many years, I desperately wanted to know why I was here, which let me on an obsessive quest to find answers to that question. Unfortunately, very few people I met on my travels seemed to know the answer or have a clue about where to find it.

It wasn’t until I began cultivating my intuition and listening to my inner guidance that I was able to gather the puzzle pieces I needed to put together a plan for my life. In other words, I after seemingly endless searching, I discovered the answer was within. I’d never lost it, I’d just forgotten I had it with me all along. Kind of reminds me of Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz.

Finding one’s soul work is so much simpler than we believe it is. We get in our own way because we are so focused on the external pressure to do what we, or others, think we should do or do something that allows us to fit in or achieve our financial goals that we ignore the call of our hearts, the song of our soul. This is why so many people feel empty and frustrated and stuck.

Instead, we need to stop overcomplicating it and move in the direction of what’s simple and obvious—become, as Christ said, like little children by adding some wonder and curiosity to the process.

Try this: Think about things that people have said about you, things that you do well or even better at than most people.

Then this: Look at the things that seem to come most easily and naturally to you—things you enjoy but may even seem too obvious or trivial to have anything to do with your soul work.

And this: Write down three things that bring you joy, no matter how big or small they are.

Surround this exploration with a sense of innocence and beauty. Savor it. Indulge yourself without censoring or holding back. Keep it light and joyful and heart-centered. Let the intellect sit this one out.

You should have a clue or two to help you gain clarity about your soul work.

Once you find your soul work, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to turn into a business. It could be something that you offer as a gift within your community or something you offer to your family or friends.

What matters is that you own it, embrace it and share it with others in some way. In my experience, your life won’t feel whole or complete until you do.

One way to know if you’re close to finding your soul work is that you start to feel incredibly inspired and excited whenever you think about certain ideas or activities. You may also feel some fear about it as well because the stakes feel higher than other things you’ve done.

Fear of the unknown can block the flow and our ability to fully align with our soul work. Instead, we hold back and remain “in the closet”, hiding our gifts. We tell ourselves stories about why we think there are other things that we should do instead. I, of course, have struggled with this myself . What I learned is that when the fear comes up to acknowledge it followed by a quick reminder that all I’m asking of myself is to simply and fully be me. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Who you are is unique. Your gifts are special blend of elements that are also unique. Because these gifts are innate, you don’t have to struggle or strive to achieve them. You simply do what is needed to strengthen and refine them.

The key is to begin, and then with all the courage you can muster, trust the process.