Victoria Fann

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Photo by Reign Abarintos

The spiritual path is ultimately about removing anything that's in the way of love.

When you remove what's in the way of love, you begin seeing miracles in your life. Some people call them coincidences, happy accidents, synchronicities and so on.

If you send out love and blessings to others, life sends them back to you. In fact, life is so generous that it requires far less effort from you than you think. If you surrender the decision-making and control of your life to your Higher Self, to Source or God and listen to the inner guidance that comes from that still, small Voice within, all of your questions will be answered and your problems solved.

This isn’t always easy, but it can be a great comfort to discover that you’re not alone, and that help is always available as long as you ask and listen for the guidance. In other words, the less you try and the more you listen, the more you will see miracles.

Miracles are happening all around us, but we rarely notice or acknowledge them.

Life speaks in miracles. It’s the language that lets us know we are aligned with the highest good.

Letting go of our need to control situations or people paves the way for miracles to show up. It’s because we’ve dropped our pre-conceived assumptions and expectations and opened our arms to Grace, inviting it to appear without any resistance.

As children, we were taught to believe it was entirely up to us to change things, to look out for and protect ourselves. This is why so many of us spend our lives trying to do everything by ourselves, struggling and carrying all of our burdens alone. However, if we release this belief that we are separate from everything, that we are victims and that suffering or sacrifice is required, this creates the space for miracles to manifest.

Of course, as you are practicing surrendering, doubt will often spring up and your ego will tell you that you have to worry and do a bunch of stuff to make sure that you're safe. It will scare you into believing that if you don't do whatever it takes to fix the situation or relationship, something really bad is going to happen.

We fall into the trap of believing that we’re helpless, powerless and limited.

This is not the truth of who we are by a long shot. Remembering that we are more than just a body that lives a brief lifespan in a material world is the real miracle. Once we’re aware of that, major shifts begin to happen because along with the realization that we are more than a body or personality, we discover that we are not nor have even been separate and alone.

Miracles are divine signs that tell you that you’re becoming aware of the truth of who you are. This awareness naturally leads to the falling away of everything that is not you which leads us back to love.

Because love is what made you and what gives you life.

Love is your true state of being. Who you are is a clear vessel designed to let the light of love shine through.

This is the real destination of the spiritual path: awakening to the truth of who we are and claiming our divine inheritance as vessels for the expression of love.

As we each awaken, we will experience a divine harmony in the universe. It will feel like home because it is the place from which we all came.

All that is required is to say yes to this.

Say yes to life.

Say yes to miracles.

Say yes to truth.

Say yes to love.

Life will respond by saying yes to you in the language of miracles.