Victoria Fann

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Morning Sanctuary

Photo by Annie Spratt

The overwhelming challenges of finding balance in this life were the primary motivators of my decision to put a boundary around my mornings so that I can write, pray, meditate, read and generally spend quiet time transitioning from the nighttime dream state to the daytime waking state.

I’ve maintained this boundary for years now, and I keep allowing it to evolve and expand. It’s the most grounded and aligned way to enter the day. The key is to get up as early as possible and stay in an intuitive flow.

This daily ritual takes some getting used to, and it is best cultivated over time, rather than trying to do it all at once. Baby steps make it more likely the change will be sustainable.

Now I cannot imagine a day without those practices. Mornings are now my favorite time of the day. When it is time for me to work or be productive, I’m inspired, energized and ready for the day.

Unfortunately, the way life has been designed over the past hundred or so years, it has become a backwards, upside-down reversal of values and priorities from what is most natural and authentic for human beings. We spend years in school programming us away from our natural inclinations in almost all aspects of our lives, so much so, that we don’t know how to live from that place any more. Work, and the typical Western lifestyle, only reinforce this programming keeping us cut off from each other and from ourselves. We move through life disoriented and lost, longing for something that’s missing, but not quite sure what it is since it was taken from us when we were only children.

The only way back to what’s natural and authentic are unlearning and unhooking from the programming. Not all at once, but slowly over time and ideally with support.

This return is often viewed negatively by others and seen as a threat by our society because we are challenging a system, which when looked at closely begins to resemble a prison system designed to benefit only a very small percentage of the population. One by one, as the most courageous among us move away from the status quo, others will feel encouraged to follow, and over time, we can all begin the process of restoring our natural humanity.

Creating a morning sanctuary full of life-affirming and soul nourishing practices is a great place to begin.