Victoria Fann

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Radical Manifestation

Photo by Andre Gorham II

Manifestation is about focusing on what you want, not on what you don't want, and to feel as though what you desire already exists. All you have to do is to keep seeing it as having happened, and then give thanks for being able to choose/create that as a possibility for yourself.

When you ask for something you don't have you are giving power to what you lack and it keeps manifesting as lack because that is what you're focusing on. Instead, give thanks for already having it. Feel it. Imagine it. Act as though it were the Truth right now. This puts the focus on manifestation and makes it REAL.

As related to healing, this means seeing yourself as completely healed and focusing your thoughts, feelings, beliefs on a positive outcome. See the pain/illness/disease never as having existed in the first place. This is about changing the past by seeing it, feeling it, thinking about it differently. This way the present and future outcome is transformed and completely aligned with the way you want the present and future outcome to manifest. 

In the same vein, if you want to manifest abundance, you have to focus on having had abundance all along and seeing the lack has never having existed in the first place. This gives the abundance you're seeking now a pathway created from the past to manifest now and into the future.

At first glance, this whole concept may seem far-fetched and outrageous.

But think about it.

Life is about choices made in each moment. The choices made in the past effect the present and the choices we make now effect the future. What I’m talking about goes beyond that and involves actually breaking through the limits of time and space. This is may be a foreign and unfamiliar way to view the concept of manifestation, but it is profound precisely because it empowers us to radically change our thinking. The very idea of accessing the past and actually changing it so that the outcome is different opens us up to a more fluid way of viewing new possibilities as opposed to seeing everything as static and solidified and unmovable. Think of it as rewinding the tape and re-writing the script that brought us here now and accessing the whole range of possibilities and then choosing the one the fits where we are now.

We are constantly creating/co-creating and making new choices in every moment that give us new outcomes in the present and in the future. We can also undo the past by seeing it differently and not giving the choices that appear to have limited us in the present any power—taking that power away so that those choices don't limit our present.

Even better, we can also take the power away from our present choice’s ability to limit future outcomes. We can see the present differently in terms of health, prosperity, relationships, seeing our lives as already manifesting what we desire and holding it that way no matter what the appearances show us and affirming that we have everything we desire right now and denying anything that contradicts that.

When we open ourselves up to the infinite possibilities that exist in every moment we can attract a new outcome. Our outer beliefs about ourselves and our lives are reflected by the outer. So if we believe we're healthy and prosperous and really feel it and see it, the outer shifts to reflect that belief. If, however, we believe and feel and see ourselves as limited in any way, our outer lives will reflect that.

The transformation from one way of seeing, feeling, thinking and believing something about ourselves to another can take a matter of minutes. It can leap across the boundaries of time and space and give us a different outcome instantly depending upon the level of intensity of seeing that outcome as the Truth, knowing it with certainty, no matter what and accepting it as REAL.

This is the place of miracles and healing where we can jump from one possibility/outcome to another completely different possibility/outcome.

No matter what our current circumstances are, there are always a multitude of possible outcomes that can manifest from this moment. If we don't like one outcome, we have the freedom to choose a new outcome because they are both possibilities and both exist.

It is up to us to choose which one we want to align with.