Victoria Fann

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Waiting for Certainty

Photo by Rodion Kutsaev

A few years ago, I guest facilitated for a Meetup group in Austin, Texas called Spirit Teachings. I had attended one of their meetings on the Pineal Gland, and at the end of the meeting the group organizer offered the opportunity to those in attendance to facilitate one of their upcoming meetings. I contacted him by email the next day, telling him I was interested and suggesting some possible topics. He chose Living by Intuition, one of my favorites and one that had been a topic for a Meetup I had co-facilitated in Seattle called The Mystic Circle.

The meeting took place on a gorgeous Saturday afternoon, and a group of about twenty people showed up. I never know how these meetings will turn out because the dynamic and depth of the discussion is dependent upon who is there. Fortunately, those who attended had lots to say about intuition and several stories were shared.

What stood out to me that day was how important it is to ask for guidance rather than wait for it to hit you over the head. At that time, asking for signs or guidance wasn’t something I did very often. Instead, I waited for guidance, but rarely, if ever, asked for it. I assumed that if my inner guidance wanted me to take a particular turn in the road, it would let me know. And, for the most part, it did. However, sometimes I didn't hear it. So after our meeting, I wondered what would happened if I asked in advance for guidance. I put out a question about three major decisions I wanted to make and asked for clarity. Then I let the question go and waited.

Now if you know anything about the realm of intuition, the answers that come from within don't always come in ways that are easy to interpret. Sometimes the guidance comes in whispers, and we have to get really quiet in order to hear. Or it comes in signs or through the voice or suggestions of another person. Regardless, all of these forms can be easily missed and overlooked completely if we're not paying attention.

Back to my question. Several days passed, and I received bits and pieces of clarity. One might even call them clues or pointers. What I didn’t receive was certainty, and based on years of experience with listening to my intuition, certainty matters. 

It matters a whole lot.

Why? Because when you get an answer or guidance that is unmistakably clear, it makes it that much easier to follow through with the actions that are connected with that decision. There is no doubt then. No second guessing. No waffling. Just the solid foundation of clarity and certainty. 

And here's the best part: The Universe conspires to support you! it continually reminds you you're on the right path and obstacles seem to magically move out of your way. It's AMAZING!

You've probably heard when asking for guidance that maybe means "No". For years I've told my clients and students to wait for a "YES" so that they can feel carried forward rather than make a decision surrounded by doubt and confusion.

When I asked for clarity during that time years ago, I didn’t receive an answer that felt like certainty for quite a while. Of course, that can be discouraging, however, I knew from experience not to push. Clarity cannot be rushed. Timing is an important part of the equation and sometimes the main message we receive is to wait.

The certainty will come. It always does. And then it is best to be waiting with open arms, ready to take action.