Victoria Fann

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Why an Akashic Records Reading is Like Talking with Yourself

Photo by Jen Theodore

Akasha means space or ether which taken literally doesn’t give us much to go on when we consider what an Akashic Records reading may entail. On the one hand, it’s all rather mysterious, on the other, it’s actually really practical.

In the language of quantum science, instead of talking about space or ether, we might refer to the Akashic Field. This field part of the energy vibrations of the universe. It is within and around us and it contains the record of all manifested forms, kind of an etheric library or book of life. The whole thing exists outside of conventional time and space, which is a little hard to get our heads around unless you’ve had transcendent experiences during meditation, a shamanic or plant medicine journey, a near-death experience or other transpersonal encounter.

I’ve had a number of transcendent experiences, and yet, it took me a while to fully accept that Akashic Records readings were even possible. My doubt mostly stemmed from not understanding where the information came from or how it was accessed. Now that I’ve learned how to access the Records and received a number of readings, the whole process makes more sense to me. And it boils down to this: An Akashic Records reading is a conversation with your Higher Self. Yes, you may have another person reading your Records, however, it is truly no different than if you asked your own Higher Self direct questions.

If we can simply talk with our Higher Selves, why do we even need to receive a reading from someone else? You don’t. But is can be so nice to sit back and just receive. More importantly, we are more willing to get our ego mind out of the way when we are led through the process of accessing the Akashic Records with someone else. Most people have simply not dedicated the time to strengthen their intuition enough to be able to receive clear guidance unimpeded by their own fears, social conditioning and unconscious beliefs causing them to second guess and doubt what comes through.

When you invest the time and the money to invite someone else to access your Akashic Records, you’re more likely to be receptive to the information you receive, and therefore, allow your Higher Self to finally speak to you without your usual resistance.

The other little tidbit I want to share is that we all have the ability to read the field around us. In fact, we often do but aren’t aware of it. One example is knowing when the energy of a person, situation or place feels off. That feeling is information coming in from the energy field around us at that time, and even though we may not fully understand it, we will often make a decision based on that energy.

Reading the field utilizes our five senses but it also accesses what has been referred to as our “sixth sense” because it’s picking up on the energy that is invisible to our five senses. This extrasensory information can come in many forms: an intuitive nudge, synchronicities, spontaneous downloads of information, dreams, messages from books, billboards, song lyrics and so on.

In other words, there is information that exists beyond the world of the five sense all around us. When we consciously pay attention to it, we realize that we have access to a vast storehouse of insights, wisdom and guidance that far exceeds the limited world of the five senses.

We interact with the world of our five senses with our limited, fear-based ego mind. You can call it the small self. The small self is our persona, and it operates in a world as a individual that is separate from others and separate from the Source of its very existence.

We are more than this small self. Our True Self or Higher Self is who we really are. When we are in full awareness of this, we experience the world beyond the five senses and know that we are one with all that is, and therefore, can access whatever is needed for our soul’s journey.

It is our Higher Self that knows what’s in our Akashic Records because it ‘s not separate from any part of existence. However, until we can fully align with and embody that, it makes sense to learn the process to access the Records or get a reading from an experienced reader. Either way, you’ll be having a conversation with your Higher Self, who knows everything there is to know about you.

What could be more exciting than that?

Want to book a reading? Head on over here.