Can the Akashic Records Help Heal Humanity?

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo

The Akashic Records contains everything you’d ever want to know about your soul journey. It is a vast library that hold the records of all of your thoughts, your decisions, your emotions, your actions, your relationships, your dreams, your beliefs and behaviors and so on. Isn’t it interesting that access to our Records isn’t part of our upbringing or education? It’s been relegated to the fringes of our culture, made fun of, feared, called woo woo or crazy, and yet, it can provide us with valuable information that can help us make sense of our human experience.

Our human perspective is extremely limited. We view our lives through the lens of what was given to us by our parents, teachers and culture. We accept that perspective until we discover that it’s no longer serving us or causing us harm. Sometimes this happens in midlife. Other times, it can happen much sooner. It often takes a crisis or an experience that shakes us to the core for us to question our beliefs. This leads to the longing to know more, to ask questions, to discover a deeper meaning beneath the superficial surface of life.

This quest for answers to life’s big questions is what leads people to the Akashic Records. Inside there is an inner knowing that there must be more than what we can know through our rational minds and and five senses. When we’re born into a human body, most of us arrive here with no memory of where we were before we were born. We move into life with amnesia. A fortunate few are exceptions to that and hold more awareness about their lives beyond this human experience. However, the majority of us haven’t a clue. On top of that, we’re given no clear instructions about how to be human, how to navigate life in a human body or what to do with the life we’re given. Our parents and grandparents and teachers do their best, but they’re mostly passing on what they were told by their own families and teachers.

Is it any wonder that we’d eventually become curious about who we are, where we came from, why we’re here and what is the meaning of this human experience?

Thankfully, through the Akashic Records, we can begin to piece together information that will help us connect some dots to help us make some sense out of our lives. Otherwise, many people feel lost and mystified by the seemingly random events of their lives. And they literally don’t know where to turn.

Perhaps you can relate.

I certainly can. I’ve been obsessed with finding answers to life’s big questions most of my life. It was a huge relief when I learned about intuition and how I could my inner knowing to connect me with Divine Intelligence so that I could move beyond the limitations of the rational mind. The Records expanded that experience exponentially for me because my five senses came alive there, providing with meaningful images, visions, feelings, sounds, downloads of information, and even on occasion, smells. I felt as though I’d discovered a whole other world, and that world contained what was missing from this physical world. It reminded me of the dream state…outside of time and space, very fluid and spontaneous, magical, interesting story lines and rich interactions.

I was hooked, and amazed by this tool that had been spoken about by Edgar Cayce and Rudolph Steiner, but mostly ignored until now. I’m grateful that my life path led me to connect with the Akashic Records in a way that validated my experience in my twenties when I began opening to the Records without realizing what it was when I was working as a massage therapist. The information simply started flowing through my hands giving me visions and information about the person on the table. It caught me off guard. I wasn’t ready to hold this sacred gift. It took many years and dedication to my own spiritual journey before I had built up the groundedness and character to explore the etheric realms in a safe and harmonious way. Now, I am fully at home in both the etheric and the physical realms and can easily travel back and forth.

As the Records become more well known, it helps me to feel optimistic that humanity is headed in the the right direction. No longer are we satisfied with the status quo. No longer are we willing to settle. No longer can we ignore our unity with each other and the planet. Humans know there is more and are asking for it. We are part of the larger cosmos; it’s time that we finally embrace that fact and find our true place in the dance of life.

Victoria Fann