Conscious Living

Photo by Simon Rae

Photo by Simon Rae

I appreciate that I am now learning to listen and be present so that whatever choices manifest, I am moving into them without thinking, but instead, knowing. This knowing feels as natural as breathing. It’s an experience of simply having no plan or expectation but rather intending for a holy outcome and then surrendering to the Higher Self to lead. The fun part is to witness the little miracles that happen when the small self isn’t interfering. Things just seem to line up in a perfect way.

Flow happens.

Judgment stops.

No one wins or loses.

Life benefits all. 

This is conscious living. Nothing more. Nothing less. I’ve had glimpses of it all of my life, but never fully grasped, until recently, how to access it intentionally. It takes practice; however, it’s becoming clearer to me each day, how to step into this alignment and flow with life. It’s such a relief not to overthink and try and control things. This is where stress comes from.

Peace definitely comes from allowing the Higher Self to lead. The Higher Self is connected to God and therefore, has access to the bigger picture. Its direction puts us in the right place at the right time with the right person or people. It’s magical and profound to witness this happening. It’s becoming obvious to me that this is our natural state, and that our fear-based programming has interfered with our ability to easily access it.

Knowing how life works is essential for our well-being, as is getting help, support and guidance. Because of our programming, beliefs and habits, it’s easy to get tripped up and fall into our old ways. We need others to remind us, and eventually, we can play that role as well. This is the true value of having a tribe or community. We are interdependent beings. We need each other to navigate this plane of existence. Unfortunately, we’ve been taught that we need to be independent, and that being dependent is a sign of weakness. This is a lie, and one of the major programs that must be unlearned in order to awaken to our true nature.

Thankfully, more and more people are discovering that the lies we’ve been taught don’t work. More and more teachers are appearing that are pointing the way to unlocking the truth within us. 

Being fully present isn’t easy. It’s a deeply ingrained habit to stick with repeating thoughts. They’re as familiar as comfy, cotton clothes. So soft, and we believe, safe. However, unbeknownst to us, they are wreaking havoc on our lives. Instead of the limitless vista of possibilities, we keep ourselves inside the cage of our limited, script of illusions.

Presence = innocence.

Innocence is open. It is a high vibration in which movement, actions and words flow without the interference of the intellect. It is as if all actions come from the heart.

Innocence is completely okay with what is. It is a surrendered place, a peaceful place and a knowing place. Life simply unfolds without judgment or a desire for it to be different.

Innocence is full of wonder. Instead of bringing the past into the present or worrying about the future, it is present-based and fascinated by the unknown. It welcomes what is right now and it is curious about it.

We can either rise up or fall.

We cannot be in two places at once.

We can either be in fear or in love.

We cannot be in both. We can either be present or stuck in the past or future.

Only the present is real.

Victoria Fann