What is the Universe Asking of You Right Now?

Photo by Matthew Schwartz

Photo by Matthew Schwartz

Everything I’m reading, and every podcast I’m listening to, is telling me the same thing: raise my  vibrations, expand my vision, open myself up to receive, find ways to be of greater service, let go of anything and everything in the way of love, health, abundance, peace, joy and miracles.

It’s time to play a bigger game, to up the stakes and stretch beyond the known into a completely new way of living.

It’s time to uplevel, to stop maintaining choices from the past and stretch into newer and more impactful modes of expression.

It’s time to believe in outrageous possibilities, impossible opportunities and unheard of miracles. 

Now, more than ever, the world needs people who are willing to stand in a much stronger state of presence. We need people who are willing to pull out all of the stops so that their gifts can be used in service to the greater good. We need to stop fear in its tracks and rise above all that tries to block or terrorize us into submission.

For all those that set the example of manifesting bold new possibilities, a thousand others will be inspired to do the same because they will see, possibly for the first time, what they thought was out of reach is right in front of them. For every person that embodies freedom, autonomy and sovereignty, thousands more will claim those same things. 

Action begets permission for others to take action.

Boldness moves mountains of resistance, stops withholding behaviors and propels what was stuck forward.

There is a domino effect. How each of us meets adversity, either frightens or empowers those who witness our journey. If we meet our adversity head on and move through it even when we believe we can’t, others will believe they can because of our example.

None of us gets through life alone.

We need each other to navigate the rough spots, the tough lessons, the tragedies, traumas and losses.

We need each other to show us how to give our pain to God so that it can be transmuted into blessings and gifts.

Each difficult passage that we make it through allows us to help another moving through a similar passage.

Life is designed and orchestrated in such a way that there are always allies surrounding us, giving us a helping hand when needed. No one is ever stranded and left to fend for themselves.

No one. 

There are signs, symbols, messages, clues, nudges and messengers all around us. All we have to do is to pay attention.

We can ask for clarity.

We can ask a question about what action to take.

We can ask for the meaning behind a situation.

All we must do is wait for the clarity, guidance and meaning. It may come instantly or it may take a while. Perhaps other puzzle pieces must fall into place before we can receive a proper response. But no matter how long it takes, we always receive a message that helps us to move forward.

Victoria Fann