Life Speaks: Are You Listening?

Photo by Brad West

Life is a powerful teacher, if only we listen to its guidance. It is constantly sending us signs, messages, lessons and answers to our questions. In fact, life speaks to us all the time in all different ways: coincidences and synchronicities, intuitive nudges, words spoken by others, songs, strange occurrences, dreams, etc.

Author and mystic, Terence McKenna, referred to synchronicity as a “cosmic giggle” which he defined as "a randomly roving zone of synchronicity and statistical anomaly. Should you be caught up in it, it will turn reality on its head. It is objective and subjective, simultaneously 'really there' and yet somehow is sustained by imagination and expectation...."

When we reflect on these unexpected events and the guidance that comes into our lives on a regular basis, these kinds of divine, mysterious experiences should truly make us pause and wonder what's behind them.

We can take this simple exercise a bit further by isolating one of the major events in our lives and then reconstructing the series of events that helped the major one fall into place.

Whenever we ask for guidance in our lives, the answer always comes.

That is guaranteed.

How can we receive that answer?

Look for clues, patterns and things related to your question that seem to materialize out of nowhere. 

Pay attention to symbolic messages or signs that show up after asking your question. 

Watch out for the unexpected: a phone call, an old letter or picture, a dream, a sudden download or vision and so on.

Be alert to the appearance of unexpected synchronistic events

Notice anything and everything that seems, and more importantly feels, out of the ordinary.

Most of us can tell when we’re in flow and when we’re not. Either way, it’s important to tune in and listen to the messages that are available to us. When seeking intuitive information about yourself, your relationships or life situation, simply relax, quiet your mental dialogue and move into your heart center. Deep breathing for several minutes can assist you in becoming present and grounded. Once you’re open and receptive, then listen. You will either hear the soft, gentle whispers of inner guidance or something in your outer world will send you a clear message.

Like any other skill, this level of alignment takes commitment, practice and conscious intent. When it becomes a cultivated habit, it is then second nature to us. It is then that we willingly dance with the mysteries of life.

A friend of mine once said his guides often asked him, “How much evidence do you need before you will trust that we’re always here supporting you?”

Victoria Fann