12 Questions to Ponder

Photo by Penny

  1. Do you suspect there is more to life than what you experience now?

  2. Do you ever feel as though you haven’t been told the Truth about who you are or why you’re here?

  3. Do you ever feel that if you keep looking for answers to the meaning of life that you will eventually find them? 

  4. Do you believe society supports intimate relationship and connections with other people? Or do you think society sabotages them?

  5. Do you ever feel like an outsider, like you don’t fit in?

  6. Do you ever have moments, hours, or even days of sheer terror at being alive?

  7. Do you ever feel as though you know your purpose but are afraid to admit it or come out of the closet because you might be ridiculed or rejected?

  8. Do you believe that anything is possible? Why? Why not?

  9. Have you had what might be called non-ordinary or paranormal or transpersonal experiences? 

  10. Do you censor what you talk about with others for fear of being considered crazy?

  11. Do you feel as though others really see you or that they see what you want them to see?

  12. Are you afraid of being authentic? Why? Why not?

Victoria Fann