Living by Intuition

Photo by Ava Sol

Photo by Ava Sol

What does it mean to live by intuition? I mean, really live by it? I'm asking this question because it is something I am working on every day. For me, it's more than just occasionally following my gut instinct, it's a daily practice of tuning in, listening and following the whispers, the signs, the physical sensations, the nudges and the inner guidance that leads to life's flow and to my heart's path. I simply cannot afford to ignore it anymore or I pay the price. I could not live peacefully if I didn't pay attention to the subtle rhythms of life and receive the messages it sends.

Life is always communicating with us, every minute of every day. It is only our fear and our drunk monkey mind, which are anchored in the beliefs and stories of the consciousness of the masses, that make us second guess and doubt our intuition. This is when things can feel chaotic and overwhelming. I face this every time I face a big change. I’m vulnerable and can easily get overwhelmed if I focus too much on the external information I'm receiving and not center and ground myself with my inner connection to my Higher Self. Fear will try to take advantage of that vulnerability and seek a foothold in my consciousness. I do my very best not to give into this fear. I've had enough practice to know it is when I'm the most vulnerable, that I need to stay calm and trust and LISTEN.

The uncertainty of life can triggers lots of fear buttons, especially given the state of things in the world right now. However, I've learned if I try and approach it from left-brained, rational way of thinking, things never flow. Instead, I need to stay open and put lots of space around it, trusting completely that if I LISTEN to my intuition, life will take care of me. It's easy to panic when things don't reveal themselves right away. This requires patience, sometimes LOTS of patience, which can be frustrating. because occasionally what comes through is not what I want to hear. But if I’m stubborn and don’t listen to my inner nudges, obstacles and resistance show up everywhere I go. So I’ve learned (the hard way) not to force things.

Other times there is a welcoming feeling right away with a particular decision and things flow. One thing leads to another and unexpected doors open. That is heavenly when that happens because it has a meant to be feeling about it and there is no struggle or stress.

But I will not lie, the waiting and trusting is tough. Sometimes no matter how much I tune in, the signs aren't always clear. Sometimes I have to wait things out until I receive enough clarity that I can make a decision. During those times, I busy myself with writing or work or meeting new people or spending time exploring the natural surroundings.

When there are lots of options swirling around me all at once, I slow down and REALLY listen. Before long something shifts and I can see the options more clearly, without the filters of my mind, concepts, preferences, fears and so on. Instead, I see them as they are—unbranded and raw—and there is either resonance there or not.

When I'm really unsure, I check to see if perhaps life is using me to serve others in some way and that my reason for certain events unfolding is not at all about me or what I want or might enjoy. THEN I'm living in a much higher vibration in tune with the dance of life. This is when I step out of my story and merge with what is needed in the moment. The fear disappears, along with the uncertainty and I surrender and jump in with both feet knowing that an intelligence much bigger than me is in charge. And I just LOVE that!

It is during those times when life gifts you with the biggest and most unsuspected gifts and surprises!

It's also okay to be wrong sometimes. Living by intuition is a practice and we learn how to do it well the way we learn anything else, by trial and error. It's when I mess up that I sometimes learn the most powerful lessons about the importance of listening. Mastery comes from hours and hours of practice. Life gives us lots of opportunities for practice, and I'm grateful for that.