Opening to Life's Blessings

Photo by Nathan McBride

Photo by Nathan McBride

If you take a moment on any given day to observe what’s happening around you, you’ll notice many people rushing here and there, ever in a hurry, whizzing past on their way to some important destination. In their haste, they're missing what's all around them. They're not seeing it, feeling it or appreciating it. The world has become a backdrop to their agenda.

Life is a sacred journey. There is a much deeper place from which to interact with this journey. It is so much more than it appears.

Think about it.

We're all heading toward the same end.

We're all going to die.

We're all just passing through this earthly dimension.

Why not slow the pace and become conscious of what's around us, who's nearby and where we're being called to pay attention? 

One of the biggest mistakes I’ve made in my life was thinking I could control things. I finally realized how foolish this was, especially when one of deepest desires was to learn to trust life to take care of me! It has taken me most of my life, along with a boatload of challenging situations before I began to loosen my white-knuckled grip on this need to control my circumstances and my environment.

In the end, my interference only hurt me, because it caused me to unnecessarily restrict and short-change myself. Driven by fear, I pushed my way into the circumstances and imposed my will. This didn't give life an opportunity to intervene.

How can you offer blessings and gifts to someone when they are so busy trying to micro-manage their lives, they aren't open to receive?

Being open means being vulnerable.

It means trusting.

It means allowing life to lead.

It is then, and only then, that you can receive.

I'm finally beginning to get this.


Fear and survival behavior are habits and habits can be transformed.

Slowing down is essential.

No rushing allowed.

No short-cuts.

No magic words.

Just practice.

Practice following inner guidance.

Practice ignoring doubt.

Practice saying no to fear.

Practice taking baby steps in a new direction.

Practice patience even until the 11th hour (that's when the best blessings and miracles show up).

Practice believing that you deserve better than what fear is offering.

Practice not compromising or settling for less than you deserve.

Practice stretching beyond what you normally allow yourself to receive.

Practice loving yourself enough to play a bigger, more fulfilling game.

Practice saying thank you to each and every blessing you receive.

It's not easy, but little by little, it works. You begin to rise above your self-imposed limitations and expand your world. Freedom starts becoming more the norm than the exception. Instead of resisting (and trying to control) life, you surrender to its ways and its flow.

And boy does it respond.

Treat all of life with sacredness (love + respect) and it will shower you with blessings.

It's a wonder to see this manifest in your life. To see yourself finally break free from the chains you used to hold yourself down. To discover that all along you had the key. To turn around and acknowledge that you've got wings back there and you were meant to fly.

It's a bit like shaking yourself awake from a wretched nightmare. You rub your eyes and feel the relief of no longer being in that other reality. You've awakened into a new world with new rules. The old rules no longer apply. Thank God.

Life is a sacred journey. Honor that and what manifests from that place will dazzle and amaze you. 

I promise.