A Special Message to Visionaries, Healers, Empaths and Mystics

Photo by Content Pixie

Photo by Content Pixie

If your life purpose and mission is about transformation, though it sounds positive and life affirming, it’s not always welcomed. Why? The very idea of transformation means change, and change isn’t always pretty or neat and tidy. Change can be upheaval and very messy as it usually ejects us right out of our comfort zones.

Imagine how anyone might feel being around a soul whose purpose is to stir things up, to catalyze change and push for evolution.  Afraid. Uncomfortable. Wanting to run!

Imagine what it might feel like for those whose lives are about transformation.  Lonely. Rejected. At the wrong place, at the wrong time.

What to do?

In either case, slow down a little. Tune into the higher purpose of any encounter.  If change is fearful, ask yourself why is that? If you sense that someone is afraid of you because they don’t want to change, look at it from that person’s point of view.

There are many ideas that are ahead of their time. They are initially perceived as a threat and often met with hostility or outright rejection. 

Being a path cutter and a way shower isn’t an easy walk. 

You have to endure being judged, misunderstood, perceived as crazy and foolish. In every evolutionary growth spurt, a small number of brave souls have to sacrifice their acceptance by the crowd, to step into the unknown and carve out new possibilities for those who come after them. Many heart-centered souls blaze new trails through the process of following the inner wisdom of the Divine. 

It would be so much easier to say “no” to all of that. But most can’t. The inner flood of ideas and gifts is too much to hold and contain. 

It must be lived. 

It must be expressed.

It must be shared.

To fall back among the ranks feels like a soul betrayal of the highest order.  Hiding out there, distracting oneself with ordinary tasks only lasts for so long.

This has touched my life and the lives of people I know who care deeply about what’s happening on our sacred planet. Personally, I’ve always felt like a stranger here, and the only way to cope was to find a way to be of service, to do something—anything—to nudge things along the evolutionary scale a bit faster before something awful happens.

I’ve asked to have the veils of amnesia removed since I was very young, but the ability to live with the results of that request is another story. I do look for the positive but being able to put the blinders or the rose-colored glasses back on is simply not possible. I sometimes miss my idealism. It was fun to imagine all the possible scenarios one could create. What I didn’t know then was that my ideas would be met with such resistance.

Visionaries, healers, empaths and mystics are by their very nature highly sensitive creatures. We need our padding and shields to protect us from the sharp edges of the current money-driven world. Holding the space for transformation gives us hope, extends our patience and smoothes the ride a bit.

Who knows how many crises have been avoided because of the quiet work of the path cutters and space holders? My guess is that the earth herself has been soothed as have the sentient beings knowing there are enough of us whose hearts are aligned with transformation. 

Keeping faith through a long, dry stretch of desert, with dark, lonely stretches full of doubt, takes enormous tenacity—it is only afterward with a backward glance, having finally reached the oasis, that it all feels necessary and worthwhile. At the time, however, it seems never-ending, rife with pain and heart wrenching.

I haven’t really been comfortable for quite a while. There’s only so much reinventing one can take. I know because I’m there myself.  Making a fresh start gets old if it becomes a way of life.

Instead, it is better to work on authentic alignment with one’s Higher Self, learning to be calm, grounded and present for what is and follow the moment-by-moment guidance that comes through by tuning into intuition.

What weaves all of that together is self-love. This is what strengthens and nourishes, restores and refreshes us from the deep, infinite well within. Self-love allows us to return to our innocence, our childlike wonder and receptivity to life, which ultimately leads us to a place of unity, our True Home.

Victoria Fann