Spiritual Revolution: A 180 Degree Shift

Photo by Vero Photoart

The revolution of our planet must begin with an inner revolution, that includes an outer refusal to participate in the intellectually-created ego-matrix world. This is big, and it requires a radical 180 degree shift in the way we think and the way we live. Some may resist this shift as they have become accustomed to the comfort and routines of the ego-matrix world. However, in my opinion, there is nothing else more worth focusing on than this.

What other aim is more worthwhile or endearing than creating a world in which love reigns?

Heaven on Earth had been tried many times and failed because of free will. A lust for independence has led many beings astray because of their desire to forget and get lost in the mystery. Each time, the price is pain and death and destruction as the energies of greed and lust take over and drive the humans to push past the point of no return.

Many of us want things to flow differently this time. That is why we’re here—to help facilitate a shift away from this path of destruction. We are holding the space and the vision of another outcome. I, unfortunately, feel as though I haven’t done enough in this lifetime as I’ve been working through many layers of amnesia and dealing with the heavy energy of being in the physical. I would like to trust that it’s not too late to still have an impact, that perhaps there is still room to make a difference.

One of the biggest challenges of this shift is acknowledging that we co-create our external reality, and that our creative abilities have been used against us in order to enslave us and use us as an energy source and a source of profit. Being kept in the dark about our own capabilities keeps people believing that they are dependent on others for their own health, prosperity and love.

This is a lie.

Each and every one of us is connected directly to the Original Source of ALL THAT IS, and none of us has less access to it than another. None of us is incapable of creating our own health, wealth, loving relationships, meaningful service and creative expression, joy and passion for life.

Our capabilities have simply been hidden from us, and in its place has been inserted a bunch of false beliefs and untruths that have led to us feeling powerless and incapable of having any real impact on our lives.

Most people believe that one’s health and success is based on external circumstances, luck, being in the right place at the right time and so forth.

None of this is true.

Rather, it is a matter of tapping into our true natures and using the tools of creation given to us by our Creator. We’ve forgotten or lost our connection with this co-creative ability, and yet it is the essence of who we are.

All we really need to transform our lives is to wake up to this truth.

We can begin right now, where we are, to create the reality that we want. It takes a bit of practice and observation as we begin to move into this.

The first step in a move toward real freedom is to practice non-resistance or acceptance of what is. Gratitude and forgiveness help to temper the reactivity quite a bit as does moving away from people who habitually use negative statements in their conversations.

The second step is to stop hanging out in low frequency states of being with your thoughts, feelings, actions and life choices. Cultivate daily practices that keep your vibrations high or raises them when they become low such as meditating, spending time in nature, journaling, being around high vibe people, etc.

The third step is to take time to listen to and follow your intuition which can come in the form of outer messages, strong nudges, inspired ideas that seem to come from nowhere, feelings, dreams, visions and so on. Since your intuition is connected with Divine Intelligence and your Higher Self, it is the best place to receive guidance (inner knowing) about your life decisions and plans. The intellect or rational mind simply doesn’t have the capability to know what’s best for you because it only has access to your past experience which is limited.

The fourth step is to see your life in alignment with and in service to the Highest Good for you and for others. This is how you live in unity consciousness. It’s inclusive. It’s cooperative. It’s kind and patient and forgiving. It’s unconditionally loving.

Finally, you can put this all together by focusing on practicing and cultivating self love. You can only love others to the degree that you love yourself, so it behooves you to find ways to express love to yourself, to fill your cup with love and joy so that you can be authentically generous with others from a place of wholeness rather than need or obligation.

This is truly the best way to bring Heaven on Earth.

The is the true spiritual revolution: an inner shift from seeing ourselves as separate from the world and that life is happening to us to seeing ourselves as connected with everything and that life is happening through us.

It’s taking what we were taught and turning it 180 degrees to its opposite.

Victoria Fann